- game tiles
- game board
- sand timer
- pyramid die
- score pad
- pencil
- instructions
Note: Before getting started with either the Brain Teaser or the Party Game, separate the 16 Game Tiles from the plastic mold.
Then carefully apply one decal sticker on to each Game Tile. Now you're ready to begin...
The Brain Teaser - for One Player
Ready for the EYECATCHER challenge?
Here's what to do:
Turn all 16 Game Tiles over so that the stickered sides are face down. Place them off to the side of the gameboard (but not on it).
You have 1 minute to correctly match as many Game Tiles to their corresponding squares on the board as you can.
When the timer is flipped over, you may turn over and pick up any one Game Tile.
Try to place it on its correct square as quickly as you can. You must correctly place a Game Tile on the board before you can turn over and pick up the next one.
When the timer runs out, count how many Game Tiles you have correctly placed on the board, and record this number on your Scoresheet (in the circle beside ROUND 1 in the Brain Teaser section).
Then turn all the Game Tiles over again face down, mix them around, and flip the timer over to begin Round 2.
Once you have completed five rounds, add your totals and compare them against the Ratings Scale for Five Rounds (see below).
Note: The Pyramid Die is not used here (only for the multi-player games - see overleaf).

The Ratings Scales
After One Turn
- 0-3 Matches: What Happened?!
- 4 Matches: You Can Do Better.
- 5 Matches: Not Too Bad.
- 6 Matches: About Average.
- 7 Matches: Pretty Good.
- 8 Matches: Nice Going.
- 9 Matches: Excellent.
- 10+ Matches: Wow - You're Amazing!
Total Score for 5 Rounds

The Party Game - For 2 or more players
EYECATCHER, the Parly Game will challenge your mind, senses, and reflexes in a Head-to-Head formal against family and friends. Players take turns trying to see how many Game Tiles they can correctly match to the squares on the board before time runs out.
Game Play

List the names of the players in the Party Game section on the Scoresheet.
This is the order of play. Select a player to keep score for the game. There are Five Rounds to each game.
Before each round, one player (anyone) rolls the Pyramid Die to determine the Bonus Points for the round.
For example, if a '4' is rolled, players have the opportunity to earn 4 points for every correctly placed Game Tile.
The better you do during the high point rounds, the better chance you have of winning the game.
Note about reading the Pyramid Die once rolled, only one number appears at the bottom of all three visible sides this number shows the Bonus Points for the round.
If you are Player 1, turn all 16 Game Tiles over so that the slickered sides are face down. They should be placed off to the side of the board (but not on it).
You have 1 minute to correctly match as many Game Tiles to their corresponding squares on the hoard as you can.
Flip the limer over and pick up any one Game Tile. Try to place it on its correct square as quickly as you can. You must correctly place a Game Tile on the board before you can turn over and pick up the next Game Tile.
When the timer runs out, the number of correctly placed Game Tiles is multiplied by the number of Bonus Points for the round.
For instance, if 5 correct matches are made, and the Bonus Points value is '4', 20 points are marked in your circle for Round 1 (5 x 4 = 20 points).
It is now the turn of Player 2, followed by Player 3 and so on (before each player's turn, the Game Tiles are taken off the board, and all are then flipped over and mixed around).
Remember that all players will multiply their correct matches by the Bonus Points determined al the beginning of the round (the Die is not rolled prior to each player's turn).
Once all the players have finished their turns for Round 1, the next round can begin. The Pyramid Die is then rolled again to determine the Bonus Points for each correct match during Round 2 (let a new player roll this time).
End of the Game
The Winner of the Game is the player with the most local points after 5 rounds.
Team Challenge Version:
The gameplay can be adapted for the Team Challenge version, where two or more teams (at two players per learn) compete against each other.
Just follow the same steps as above except that during each turn, once the timer is flipped over, both players from the same team try to correctly place the Game Tiles on the board.
Since each player takes separate Game Tiles, chaos often ensues as teammates try not to gel in each other's way! Two hands are (usually) better than one...

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