Clock, Clock Hand, And Plastic Connector

The Clock is used to track the passage of time in the game and determines when Mythos cards are drawn. The clock hand is attached to the clock using the plastic connector.
Entrance Reference Sheet

This sheet lists a number of abilities that players can use instead of attempting to resolve an Adventure card during their turn.

The 6 green dice are usually rolled to complete tasks and resolve Adventure cards.
The yellow die can produce better results than a green die and is generally rolled when a player spends a Common Item. The red die
can produce better results than a green die or the yellow die and is generally rolled when a player spends a Unique Item.

Ancient One Cards
These cards depict the different Ancient Ones that the investigators may be pitted against.
Investigator Cards And Markers

These cards depict the different investigators that players may play. Each investigator card has a corresponding Investigator marker that is used to track that investigator's current location.
Adventure Cards

These cards depict the various places and events in the museum that investigators must explore to stop the Ancient One.
Other World Adventure Cards

These are special Adventure cards that represent other dimensions that investigators explore when a gate opens in the museum.
Common Item, Unique Item, And Spell Cards
These cards represent useful items and spells that can assist investigators in completing adventures.

Ally Cards

Ally cards represent helpful people that the investigators can recruit to help them.
Mythos Cards

Every time the clock strikes midnight, players draw and resolve 1 Mythos card. These cards represent the advance of the Ancient One toward reawakening in our world and strange events taking place in the museum.

Sanity And Stamina Tokens
The blue Sanity and red Stamina tokens are used to track the current mental and physical health of the investigators.
Clue Tokens

Clue tokens may be spent during a player's turn to re-roll one or more dice.

Monster Markers
Monster markers represent various monsters that may appear and interfere with the investigators during the game.

Mask Monster Markers
Mask Monster markers represent special monsters that are only used when Nyarlathotep is the Ancient One.
Doom Tokens

These tokens are used to track how close the Ancient One is to breaking through into our world.
Elder Sign Tokens

These tokens are used to track how many elder signs have been collected by investigators to seal the Ancient One away.
Anatomy Of An Ancient One Card

- Name: The horrid name of the Ancient One.
- Doom Track: Doom tokens are placed here throughout the game. When each space has a token on it, the Ancient One awakens.
- Elder Sign Limit: The number of Elder Signs necessary to defeat the Ancient One.
- Special Ability: A unique game effect that applies to any game in which this Ancient One is used.
- Attack: The game effect that occurs in place of drawing a Mythos card when battling the Ancient One.
- Combat Task: The task necessary to complete to remove 1 Doom token when battling the Ancient One.
Anatomy Of An Investigator Card

- Name: The name of the investigator.
- Maximum Sanity: The amount of Sanity the investigator begins with. An investigator may never have more Sanity than his maximum.
- Maximum Stamina: The amount of Stamina the investigator begins with. An investigator may never have more Stamina than his maximum.
- Special Ability: A unique ability that may be used by the player who is using this investigator.
- Starting Items: A list of the items the investigator starts the game with. (See page 8 for a guide to interpreting the icons).
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