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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Garrett J. Donner, Michael S. Steer

Published by: Jumbo, Kärnan, Pressman Toy Corp.

Alternate Names: For Get It, Forget It, Forget it: Allt eller inget!


In Don't You Forget It, you're trying to be the first player to reach 500 points.

On each turn, roll the dice and try to score points...but here's the catch: At any time the special dice might spell out FORGET IT and cause you to lose any points you've earned for that round.

Roll the dice as many times as you wish, but you just might wish you stopped before the dice tell you to FORGET IT!

Retail Price:$15

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