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Normal rules for you except that the AI does not gain a card unless it is a curse. When Ambassador enters the VP pyramid, shuffle the trash and draw a random card returning it to the supply.

You gain a copy of the card.


You do not start with a coin, a game supply of 5 coins is needed. When a Baker is bought/gained move 1 coin to the active supply. To play a Baker you must take a coin from the active supply.


To gain an estate, there must be an estate in the bottom row.


Create a game supply of 15 total VP tokens. When you buy a Bishop move 3 VP tokens into the active supply. To gain the 2 coin you must gain a VP token available in the active supply. You must also trash a card.

Black Market

The Black Market deck is created like the setup (limited to 10 cards). Buying a card from the Black Market deck is like buying a card from a kingdom card supply stack. The AI may score VP cards as a result of buying a VP card.


A silver must be available in the supply. When you play the Bureaucrat, the AI puts the leftmost, bottom VP card in the pyramid on top of the VP deck.


Create a 10 coin game supply during setup. Move 2 coins to the active supply when each Butcher is bought/gained. To play a Butcher you must take 2 coins from the active supply.


There must be 2+ coppers in the supply to purchase the Cache.

Candlestick Maker

Create a game supply of 5 coins. When you purchase a Candlestick Maker move a coin to the active supply. To be able to play the action you must gain a coin from the active supply.


If you discard the 3 cards, the AI won't score a VP card for cards drawn until there are 10 cards in your hand and in play.


If you put your deck into your discard, regardless of the number of cards (even zero), you gain the 2 coin and won't trigger the AI scoring a VP card regardless of how many cards that you draw or actions that you play this turn.


All VP cards cost 2 coins more while Contraband is in play.

Council Room

When you play Council Room, the AI draws a VP card and fills a position in the VP pyramid. If there is not an open position, the action cannot be played. In most cases drawing 4 cards will cause the AI to score a VP card opening up the necessary space.


You may not choose to gain a copper if there are none in the supply. If you trash your hand, you are not obligated to make a buy this turn. If you want to gain a duchy, it must be in the bottom row of the VP pyramid. The AI does not score a card as the duchy is not being bought with coins.


Create a game supply of 5 ruins cards. When you buy a cultist move one ruins card to the active supply. When Cultist is played you may move an active ruins to an open position in the VP pyramid with a limit of no more than one ruins per row. When the AI 'scores' a ruin, trash it.


You must discard a copper from the supply or from your hand to gain the 2 coin.

Death Cart

Create a game supply ruins stack of 10 cards selected randomly. After buying a Death Cart gain 2 ruins cards from the game supply to your discard.


You may look at the top card of the VP draw deck. If you are able to purchase the card, you may buy the card for face value without the AI scoring a VP card(s). This will be your buy action for the turn.


For you a Duke is equal to ½ the number of duchies in your deck rounded down. For the AI the minimum value of a Duke is 2/3/4/5 for easy/normal/advanced/expert game.


Each Embargo token on a supply stack at game end is worth 1 VP.


To buy Embassy there must be a silver in the supply. Trash a silver from the supply when you buy the Embassy.


After drawing 5 cards discard the highest cost non-VP card.


Gaining a card is not the same as buying one. Therefore, the AI will not score a card as a result of you gaining a card.


AI scoring: for each Fairgrounds at game end in the supply, the AI scores 2/3/4/5 VP for easy/normal/advanced/expert game.


You must trash/gain a card, if possible, when buying a Farmland.


You may only gain a duchy if one is available in the bottom row of the VP pyramid.


AI scoring: for each Feodum at game end in the supply, the AI scores 2/3/4/5 VP for easy/normal/advanced/expert game.

Fool's Gold

If you have a Fool's Gold card in your hand when the AI scores a province you may gain a gold to the top of your deck trashing the Fool's Gold. This does not trigger the AI scoring a card.

Fortune Teller

You may look at the top card of the VP draw deck. If you are able to purchase the card, you may buy the card for face value without the AI scoring one or more VP cards. This will be your buy action for the turn.


AI scoring: for each Gardens at game end in the supply, the AI scores 2/3/4/5 VP for easy/normal/advanced/expert game

Ghost Ship

When you play the Ghost Ship, the AI trashes down to 3 cards in the VP Pyramid selecting left to right, bottom to top.


Create a game supply of 15 value in VP tokens. When you buy a Goons card move 3 VP tokens into the active supply. You may only play the Goons as an action if there are VP tokens remaining in the active supply and you must gain at least one during your buy phase. When you play Goons, the AI discards down to 3 cards in the VP Pyramid selecting left to right, bottom to top and then refill the pyramid.


Create a game supply of 5 Madman. If you use the action and gain a card costing 3 coin and then trash the Hermit, you will not be obligated to make a buy this turn. Gain a Madman from the game supply.


Gaining a gold by the use of the Hoard does not trigger the AI scoring a card.

Horn of Plenty

Gaining a victory card does not trigger the AI scoring a VP card(s).

Horse Trader

If you played the reaction, the AI will not score a card unless 8 cards are in play + hand on the following turn.

Hunting Grounds

To gain a duchy it must be in the bottom row of the VP pyramid. To gain the estates you must be able to take them from the bottom of the pyramid and if this clears the bottom row the remaining estate(s) must be taken from the middle row. Otherwise, estates cannot be taken.

Ill-Gotten Gains

There must be a curse in the supply for the AI to gain to purchase the card.


The curse supply cannot be empty to play the Jester. When you play Jester trash the top VP draw deck card, if there is a VP card of the matching type in the bottom row of the pyramid you may gain one. You must put a curse from the supply in its place. This does not trigger the AI scoring a VP card. When the AI plays a Jester by it entering the VP pyramid you discard the top draw card and if there is a matching VP card in the bottom row the AI scores it.


If you discard more cards than you draw, the AI will not score a VP card for the cards in play.


When Knights are in play randomly choose 5 for the kingdom stack and then shuffle the remaining 5 into the VP deck after the VP pyramid is built. After the AI refills the pyramid any Knights placed in the pyramid will trigger causing your reaction. The Knights in the VP pyramid are then trashed without redraw as long as the pyramid is stable.


Create a game supply of 5 spoils and 5 ruins cards. Move one spoils/ruins card to the active supply when each card is bought. You may only gain a spoils card from the active supply. When the AI gains a ruins from the active supply it must be added to an open position in the VP pyramid with a limit that there may not be more than one ruins card per pyramid level. When the AI 'scores' a ruins, trash it.


A VP card is drawn to fill an open VP pyramid position then trash 3 cards from the VP pyramid. If a card cannot be added, there is no discard.


When you play Masquerade you may switch a card from your hand with a bottom row card in the VP pyramid of the same value. A switch must be possible to draw the 2 cards.

Merchant Guild

Create a game supply of 5 coins. When you buy a Merchant Guild move one coin into the active supply. You may only play Merchant Guild if you take a coin from the active supply.


When you play the Militia, the AI trashes down to 3 cards in the VP Pyramid selecting left to right, bottom to top.


If you choose to discard your hand and the AI has 5+ cards in the pyramid trashes the entire pyramid and draws 4 cards to refill the pyramid. The pyramid must be rebuilt in a way that is stable.


15 value in VP tokens are retrieved to create a game supply. When you buy a Monument move 3 VP tokens to the active supply. To gain the 2 coin you must gain a VP token from the active supply.


There must be a curse and a copper in the supply for the AI to gain unless the AI has a curse in the VP pyramid to gain the 2 coin. The copper is trashed.

Noble Brigand

When you play Noble Brigand you look at and then trash the top 2 cards of the VP draw deck. If one of the cards is a duchy or province you may gain a duchy or province from the bottom row of the VP pyramid, respectively. If none are available, you gain nothing. Gaining a VP card in this manner does not permit the AI to score a VP card.


When you play Oracle, in addition to looking at the top 2 cards of your deck, you may trash the top 2 cards of the VP draw deck. After the action decision you must draw 2 cards possibly causing the AI to score a VP card.


The AI will not score a card due to card draws or 4+ actions during the turn when you start with 3 cards.


Create a spoils game supply of 10 cards during setup. When you buy a Pillage move 2 spoils to the active supply. When you play a pillage you may trash any card that is in the VP pyramid if there are 5+ cards in the pyramid. When Pillage enters the VP pyramid, you draw the top 5 cards of your deck and discard the highest cost non-VP card. Then discard the Pillage from the VP pyramid.

Pirate Ship

Create a game supply of 5 coins. When you buy Pirate Ship, move 1 coin into the active supply. When you play Pirate Ship you look at the top 2 cards of your draw deck and trash one of the treasure cards if any. If a treasure card was trashed you collect a coin for possible use with later Pirate Ship actions. If there are no coins in the active supply, you may not trash a card from your deck. When the AI plays a pirate ship forcing you to trash a treasure it gains a coin from the active and then game supply limiting the number of coins that you can collect during the game. Pirate Ship counts as a trashing treasure card.


Create a game supply of 5 coins. When a plaza is bought move 1 coin to the active supply. To play Plaza you must gain a coin from the active supply.


Reveal the top 3 cards of the VP draw deck and rearrange them in any order.


Create a game supply of 15 Rats. When you buy a Rats card move 3 Rats to the active supply. Any time you play a Rats card you gain a Rats from the active supply. Rats also offer an end game scoring opportunity. At the end of the game count how many Rats you have in your deck. If you have 2/5/9/14/20 score 1/3/6/10/15 VPs.


To gain a VP card from the pyramid it must be in the bottom row. Any kingdom or pyramid victory card gained does not trigger the AI scoring a card.


You are not obligated to gain a card of the cost if one is not available.


When you play Rogue you look at the top 2 cards of the VP draw deck and if one is a duchy trash both cards. If neither is a duchy, put the cards back in any order.


When you play Saboteur reveal the top card of the VP deck and if it is not an estate, trash it and then choose a card of an acceptable value to place on top of the deck. When the card enters the VP pyramid it is trashed after the pyramid is filled.

Sea Hag

When you play the Sea Hag there must be a curse in the supply. If so, trash the top VP card in the VP deck and replace it with a curse.

Silk Road

AI scoring: for each Silk Road at game end in the supply, the AI scores 2/3/4/5 VP for easy/normal/advanced/expert game.


You may gain the same card that you bought the previous turn or a qualifying pyramid VP card that either you or the AI scored as long as the card is in the bottom row.


There must be a gold and a curse in the supply to use the Soothsayer as an action.


You must trash the top card of the VP deck and give the AI a kingdom card of the required value unless one does not exist. When the card enters play, it is immediately trashed unless an attack card in which it takes affect and is then trashed.


If played as the first action, you are not obligated to make a buy action. If any other actions are played you are required to make a buy.


When you play a thief you will reveal the top 2 cards of your draw deck and trash a revealed treasure card placing it on top of the VP deck. When the card enters the VP pyramid it is trashed after the pyramid is filled. When the AI plays Thief, it does not gain a treasure card but you still trash one if possible of your choice. Thief counts as a trashing treasure card.


When you play the Torturer you decide whether to trash 2 cards from the VP pyramid (bottom to top) or to add a curse card to the VP pyramid. The VP pyramid is refilled as needed.


The prize stack should be kept face down. To determine if you gain a prize, you must have more provinces in your hand than the AI has in the VP pyramid. The AI will not gain a prize. When you gain a prize, draw the top 2 cards and select one to keep. Move the other to the bottom of the stack. Prize cards do not trigger the AI scoring cards due to card draws nor action taken.

Trade Route

During setup place 1 coin next to each row of the VP pyramid and 1 coin on each VP kingdom card. When you buy a card from one of the rows or kingdom stack, move the associated coin to the trade route mat.


To perform either action there must be enough silver in the supply.

Trading Post

A silver must be in the supply to use the action.

Treasure Map

There must be 4 gold cards in the supply to 'cash out' 2 treasure maps.


The two cards are discarded from your deck. If you draw cards, the AI won't score a VP card for drawn cards until there are 9+ cards in your hand and in play.


You are not obligated to gain a card of the cost if one is not available.


Create a Mercenary game supply of 5 cards. When you play Urchin you must trash VP cards from the VP pyramid until there are 4 cards remaining (bottom to top). You may gain a mercenary per card text.


When Vault is played you may trash 2 pyramid VP cards and draw 1 from the VP draw deck to place in the lowest available position.


Buying a card is not the same as gaining one.


When you start a turn with the wharf in play the AI won't score a VP card for drawn cards until there are 9+ cards in your hand and in play.


To use the action the curse supply must not be empty.

Young Witch

Create a 5 card bane kingdom stack. Shuffle the 5 other bane cards into the VP deck after filling the pyramid. When these enter the pyramid display the AI cannot gain a curse for any reason. When the AI 'scores' a bane card, it is trashed.

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