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Rating: 5.7 Fair
Players: 4-9 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Created by: Ludovic Maublanc, Angèle Maublanc, Pierô

Published by: Repos Production, Asmodee


Cyrano is a word and storytelling game where you take the role of Cyrano de Bergerac who must write beautiful poems.

Ech round, a theme and two rhymes are selected. All pllayers simultaneously compose a poem using the selected theme and rhymes. The poems score points Boggle-style with each unique ending word being worth one point.

Also everyone can secretly vote on which poem he or she finds most beautiful. Everyone who votes for the winner scores points. The scored points let the player climb on his ladder and the first player who reach the same floor as his belle wins the game.

Retail Price:$41

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