By rearranging cuboro elements, players create paths as long as possible for leading marbles into an empty finish field. The more track elements are used the more points are collected.
- Board
- 9 cuboro elements (8 cubes +1 starting tower)
- basic grids "Starting position 1+2"
- 4 game pegs for points' course
- 12 marbles (8 blue, 4 red)
- 4 marble containers
- game instructions
Cuboro Elements:
Game Version 1
(from age 6 and as an introduction!)
As for this version, paths are arranged on the surface of the cubes (channels).
Starting position 1 |
Initial Position
Place the 8 cuboro cubes on the board according to the basic grid "Starting position 1" - pay attention to the align- ment of the channels. …