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Welcome to Cranium Pop 5, the outrageously fun party game where it's not what you know, it's how you show it!


  • 1 Deluxe Game Console
  • 300 Cards
  • 1 tub of cool Cranium Clay
  • 6 Cranium Cubes
  • 1 Cranium Pad & Pencil
  • 5 Activity Tokens
  • 41 Scoring Tokens
  • 2 Token Collectors
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Win the most points by taking on the other team's challenge and getting your team to guess what's on the card.

Set out the game console, card box, token collectors, scoring-token bag, Cranium Clay, activity tokens, Cranium Cubes, and Cranium pad and pencil.

Put the scoring tokens into the bag. Divide into two teams.

The team with the person whose birthday is coming up next goes first.

Now you're ready to play Cranium Pop 5!

Game Play

On your turn:

The Opposing team sets up the challenge

  1. The opposing team draws a card from the card box. This is the play card.

  2. The opposing team looks at the card and takes a minute to set up the challenge by ranking the difficulty of completing each activity. The easiest activity gets one point, and the hardest activity gets five.

    The opposing team places an activity token in front of each number. Check out the back page for the list of activities.

    For example: If they think it would be most difficult for the other team to get someone to guess the answer by sculpting it, they'll place the Sculptorades token in the five-point spot.

  3. The opposing team inserts the play card face down into the board, spins the board, and presses the POP button, starting the light timer. (You can stop the timer can stop the timer).

    The challenge is on.

Your Team Takes on the Challenge

  1. Are you ready? The light's on, and the timer is running! Quickly choose a performer on your team to take on the challenge. The performer is the only one who can look at the answer.

  2. The performer reads the play card and chooses an activity.

    Remember, you'll score more points if you choose an activity the other team ranked more difficult.

  3. The performer tries to get the rest of the team to guess the answer on the play card by doing the activity before the light goes out and time's up.


Get your teammates to guess what's on the card by acting out silent clues, just like in charades.

Get your teammates to guess what's on the card by drawing clues on paper with no talking, letters, or symbols.

Get your teammates to guess what's on the card by humming or whistling with no lyrics or gestures.

Roll the Cranium Cubes. Get your teammates to guess what's on the card by giving word clues that start with the letters on the cubes.

  • You can say as many words for each letter as you'd like, but you can't use any of the words on the card.
  • You may roll all the cubes a second time on your turn.

Get your teammates to guess what's on the card by sculpting in Cranium Clay with no talking or gestures.

End of the Game

The first team to 21 points wins!


  • If your team successfully completes the activity, you win the points allotted to the activity. Take that number of scoring tokens and add them to your token collector. It is now the other team's turn, and your team sets up the challenge.

  • If your team does not successfully complete the activity, you earn no points. It is now the other team's turn, and your team sets up the challenge.

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