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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 15-32 minutes

Created by: Peggy Brown, David Walker (II)

Published by: GoKids 玩樂小子, Peaceable Kingdom

Alternate Names: 數雞趣


The baby chicks have flown the coop! All players work together to help Mother Hen collect her chicks and bring them back to the coop. To start, players place the 40 baby chicks all around the board. Mother Hen is on start.

The object of the game is to get all 40 baby chicks back inside the coop before Mother Hen gets to the last space on the board.

Players spin and move Mother Hen, counting the number of spaces she travels. For each space travelled, players collect that number of baby chick markers and place them in the coop. But watch out for the fox!

If the spinner lands on the fox a baby chick is removed from the coop. Players take turns, but work together - players count aloud together, collect the number chicks together and, if they collect them all, players win together!


  • 1 game board
  • 1 mother hen with stand
  • 40 baby chick markers
  • 1 spinner
Retail Price:$19

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