
- 1 Scoring track
- 1 Harbor
- 4 Scoring markers
- 70 Facade cards
- 1 End of Game card
- 4 Houses
- 62 Facade tiles
- 20 Ability tiles
- 1 Rules booklet
Object of the Game
"Nyhavn" (New Harbor) is famous for its houses with colorful gables built along the waterside. The players face the challenge of construc- ting new facades in a way that fits perfectly in with this picturesque harbor scenery.
The goal of the game is to be the first player to score 12 or more points, or to have the most points when the End of Game card is revealed.
Players will collect cards of different colors from the display, which they can use to purchase facade tiles of the same color in different shapes and sizes.
Players will use these tiles to construct the facade of their house little by little. Each time a floor (row) is completed they will score 1 point, and 2 points for finishing a section of the house (column). However, these points are doubled if the row or column is made entirely of windows.
When players cover one of the coats of arms, or finish a floor with a coat of arms, they will gain a special ability which will help them reach their goal faster.

Place the harbor and the scoring track in the center of the playing area, as shown in the illustration.
Stack the facade tiles by color and shape within reach of all players.
In a game with 2 or 3 players, return the following tiles to the game box:
Shuffle the facade cards and stack them face down on the harbor. This is the card supply.
In a game with 3 players, remove 2 cards of each color (10 total) before shuffling and return those cards to the game box.
Then, fill the card display by turning over the top 7 cards and placing them (in clockwise order) next to the 7 footbridges. This is the card display.
Place the End of Game card face up next to the scoring track.
In a game with 2 players, shuffle the End of Game card in with the top 9 cards from the supply and place them face down on the bottom of the card supply.
Each player chooses a player color and takes the house and scoring marker of that color. Players place their house in front of them and their scoring marker on the starting space of their color on the scoring track.
Take 1 of each type of ability tile per player, stacking them (seperated by type) next to the scoring track. Return any remaining tiles to the game box.
Each player takes one of the "Any cards" ability tile (pictured right) and places it next to their house.
Game Play
Start of the game
Beginning with the first player (we recommend the oldest player goes first), and continuing clockwise, each player draws their starting hand from the card supply. Draw the following number of cards depending on the number of players:

The active player (starting with the first player) chooses one of two possible actions, then performs their chosen action:
- Take cards
- Construct facade
After taking an action, play passes clockwise to the next player. The game ends immediately as soon as a player scores 12 or more points or the End of Game card is revealed.
A. Take Cards
The player takes 2 adjacent cards from the display and adds them to their hand. It's not permitted to only take one card.
Then, the player refills the display with cards from the supply.

Example: The player takes the two adjacent purple cards, and adds them to their hand.
Maximum Hand Size
Players have a maximum hand size of 7 cards after they have drawn cards. If drawing cards puts them over the 7 card limit, they must immediately discard down to 7 cards.
End of Game card
When the card supply is exhausted for the first time, shuffle the discard pile and use it as new card supply. Then, shuffle the End of Game card in with the top 9 cards from the supply and place them face down on the bottom of the card supply.

Skip this step in a game with 2 players. The game ends after the card supply is used once only.
B. Construct Facade
The player exchanges cards from their hand for a facade tile and attaches it to their house. They then gain points for any rows or columns completed this turn.
1. Pick a Facade Tile
The active player discards cards from their hand in exchange for a facade tile, following two rules:

The number of cards must match the number of squares (windows and brickwork) of the chosen facade tile.
All discarded cards must be of the same color as the chosen facade tile.
If the player meets these two requirements, they take the chosen facade tile. A player can only ever take one facade tile on their turn.
Exception: If a player places a facade tile such that at least one of the squares is touching a previously placed piece of the same color, they may discard one fewer card than normal.
A tile is considered placed adjacent to another tile if at least one square of that tile is adjacent to one square of the existing tile.
Adjacent to the same color:
Example: The green tile is placed adjacent to another green tile of this house, so the player must discard only 2 instead of 3 cards.
Not adjacent to the same color:
Example: The green tile is placed not adjacent to another green tile of this house, so the player must discard 3 cards.
2. Placing a Facade Tile (Construction Rules)
The player must place the facade tile immediately, obeying the following construction rules:
Before placing the tile, it may be rotated in any way; however, it must fit on the construction grid.
A tile must be placed on the bottom row, or such that at least one square is directly above a previously placed tile. Only one square is needed to be above the tile.
Coat of Arms Actions
After placing the tile, the player performs one of the three special actions for each coat of arms covered or row marked with a coat of arms completed:
Special tiles - The player takes one special tile, placing it immediately according to the construction rules. These tiles are like all other tiles, except they can only be acquired as a special action. If the placed tile covers a coat of arms, or completes a coat of arms row, they may take an additional special actions as normal.
Take an ability tile - The player takes one ability tile from the supply and places it in front of them, active side up. No player may have the same ability tile twice.
Players may use their active special ability tiles at any time on their turn in order to take the depicted action. Once used, that ability tile is flipped to its inactive side. The tiles are explained in detail on page 6 of this rules booklet.
Activate ability tiles - The player flips all their used (in- active) ability tiles back to their front (active) side. They may use these tiles again on future turns.
Score Points
If a player completes one or more rows or columns of their house during their turn, they score points for each as follows:
- 1 point if the row contains windows and brickwork, or just brickwork.
- 2 points if the row is made up of windows only.
- 2 points if the column contains windows and brickwork, or just brickwork.
- 4 points if the column is made up of windows only.
The player advances their scoring marker on the scoring track accordingly.

End of the Game
The game ends immediately as soon as a player scores 12 or more points or the End of Game card is revealed:
If a player scores 12 or more points, that player is the winner of the game!
However, if the End of Game card is revealed, the player with the most points at this time is the winner of the game.
In case of a tie for the most points, the tied player whose house has the fewest empty spaces is the winner. If the tie persists, the tied players share the victory.
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