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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Players: 3-99 players
Playing time: 40-2 minutes

Official Site: CONFIDENT? Official Website

Created by: Natalie Podd, Ceri Price

Published by: (Self-Published), (Web published)

Alternate Names: Confident?


CONFIDENT? is a highly entertaining game for parties and get-togethers.

You answer curious trivia questions, but instead of giving specific answers, you answer with a RANGE! Everyone stands a chance as you only need to get the right answer in your range to win points.

But, the smaller your range compared to everyone else, the more you score! Are you CONFIDENT enough to win?

Even Board-game Skeptics Become CONFIDENT? Converts

Not into board games? CONFIDENT? is the after-dinner game for you! Great as a family game, and also to blow your friends away.

There are plenty of quirky questions and outRANGEous answers in this trivia game that keeps you guessing.

Retail Price:$0

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