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Adventure Book

Player Sheet

  1. Default Status Slot
  2. Avatar Slot
  3. Clarity Storage Slot
  4. Die Storage Slot
  5. Equipment Slot
  6. Inventory Slot


  1. Group Task Track
  2. Inner Child Slot
  3. Threat Track
  4. Enemy Slots
  5. The Morass
  6. Discard Pool
  7. Insight Token Slot
  8. Situation Token Slot

Avatar Card

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Home Comazone
  4. Die Bonus
  5. Clarity Ability
  6. Suspicious Comazones
  7. Starting Items

Hostile Card

  1. Name
  2. Actions
  3. Defense
  4. Loot

I.D. Entity Card

  1. Name
  2. Actions
  3. Defense
  4. Comazone
  5. Identification Code
  6. Campaign Sticker Space

Item Card

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Range
  4. Equipment Slot
  5. Combat Bonus
  6. Effect
  7. Keywords

Clue Card

  1. I.D. Identification Code
  2. Read Aloud Text

Other Cards

  1. Totem Card
  2. Status Card
  3. Vital Signs Card
  4. Environment Card

Comazone Card

  1. Name
  2. Comazone Number
  3. Comazone Info
  4. I.D. Entity
  5. Martin's Age


  1. Insight
  2. Suspicious
  3. Clarity
  4. Search
  5. Objective
  6. Fire
  7. Life Force
  8. Bookmark
  9. Door
  10. Situation

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