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Players: 4, 6, or 8

Game length: 180 minutes

Components: Two sets of the Settlers of Catan and one set of the Seafarers of Catan (a second set of Seafarers is optional).

Object of the Game

A great earthquake has created chasms of water that split the world. Each tribe has been divided from its brothers and in the effort to rebuild their civilization they yearn to reunite each other by exploring the reshaped lands and uncharted waters that have separated them for so long.

They may succeed by themselves, but will have even better chances of becoming the greatest civilization if they can find eachother and work together. Players work in teams and seek to connect a trade route with each other while preventing other teams from doing so.

I. Setup

First set up the border. Attach C-B to one two-hex X, then that two-hex X to one one-hex X, then follow that with another two-hex X, and follow that with B-A. This completes one long edge of the board.

Then compose the two short edges as follows: attach C-D to the C of C-B, and D-E to the D of that C-D; attach A-H to the A of the B-A, and H-G to the H of that A-H. Finish the last long edge as follows: attach E-F to the E of the D-E, follow with one two-hex X, follow that with on one-hex X, and follow that with another two-hex X, and finish with F-G linking the last mentioned X with the G of the H-G piece.

Then count up the needed land and water hexes as instructed in section D. Three areas must be composed seperately: there will be a center "unknown territory" and one island on either side of it. Begin by placing the water hexes.

Treating the E/E corner as the upper left hand corner, and counting from left to right in rows counted from top to bottom, place hexes as follows:

Water: on the top row, the fifth hex and the last hex; on the second row, the fourth hex is a 3:1 generic port hex connecting with the third hex of the same row, and the last hex is a plain water hex; on the third row, the fourth and eighth hexes are plain water and the ninth hex is a 3:1 generic port hex connecting with the eighth hex of the fourth row; on the fourth row, the third hex is a 2:1 ore port hex connecting with the third hex of the third row, and the seventh hex is a 2:1 brick port hex connecting with the eighth hex of the fifth row; on the fifth row, the second hex is a 3:1 generic port hex connecting with the second hex of the fourth row, and the third and seventh hexes are plain water; on the sixth row, the first hex is water and the sixth is a 2:1 sheep port connecting with the next hex; on the last row, the first and sixth hexes are water.

Additional Harbors: from the lower left side of the first hex of the first row place a 2:1 sheep port; from the top right side of the fourth hex of the first row place a 2:1 brick port; from the left side of the first hex of the fourth row place a 3:1 generic port; from the lower left side of the first hex of the fifth row place a 2:1 lumber port; from the upper right side of the last hex of the third row place a 3:1 generic port; from the right side of the last hex of the fourth row place a 2:1 ore port; from the upper right side of the last hex of the last row place a 2:1 grain port; from the lower left side of the seventh hex of the seventh row place a 3:1 generic port.

Optional Setup Rule: Randomize The Ports


Take the land tiles as indicated in section D for one island and randomly place them in the open spaces to the left of the water hexes marking the border of the uncharted middle territory.

Then randomly place the indicated number markers on those land hexes, following the rule that no two red numbers may be placed in adjacent hexes. Repeat this entire procedure for the second island, filling the open spaces to the right of the water hexes marking the other border of the uncharted middle region.

Unknown Territory

Shuffle all the tiles indicated for the unknown region in section D and randomly place them face down in the remaining open spaces (alternatively, leave them in a shuffled upside-down stack to draw from whenever an empty hex is explored).

Randomly shuffle the number counters for the unknown region and leave them face down in a stack to be drawn from and placed whenever an unknown hex is explored.

Note: two bandit counters and one pirate counter will be used in the game. They begin the game off the board.

Choose Teams

Each team must consist of two players. This scenario can therefore be played with 4, 6, or 8 players in all (for 2, 3, or 4 teams). Seating position (and thus order of play) must be correctly arranged: in a two-team game, team-members should sit in alternating order (A, B, A, B); in a three-team game, the members of each team should have two other players between each other in either direction (A, B, C, A B, C); in a four-team game, the members of each team should have three other players between them in either direction (A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D).

The members of each team are divided between the two known islands, so that one member of a team sets up only on one island, and the other member only sets up on the other island.

The choice of which member of a team sets up on which island would best be based on seating location: i.e. those players closest to one island set up there. Apart from this restriction (that each member of a team can only set up his first two settlements on one island, and it may not be the same island his or her partner has set up on), game set up proceeds as in the normal rules.

Hint: Team members are advised to pay attention to where their partner is setting up-later in the game, the resources and ports and physical location of each other's settlements will matter a great deal to each other.

However, early in the game they must rely on themselves, so each member must keep this in mind when setting up as well. At the same time, blocking or hindering opposing teams in initial set up is another factor that might be kept in mind.

II. Special Rules

A team is considered to have "united" itself with a trade route when both members have connected roads or shipping lanes with each other. A "united" team has certain advantages explained below.

In general, throughout the game both members of a team share building tokens and use the same color and supply of roads, settlements, etc., but in all other respects are treated as separate players. For example, they can share victory points, resource cards, and development cards only when they are united.

Both decks of resource cards and both decks of development cards are used and shared by all players without distinction. And everyone gets to produce the resources rolled, and everyone is affected by the seven-card limit rule when a 7 is rolled, no matter who rolled the dice.

Observe the special setup rules given in section A.

There may only be one robber on the same island at the same time. When a player rolls a 7 or plays the Soldier Card, she may only move and place a robber on her own island. However, she may alternatively place the pirate anywhere on the board within the normal rules.

Players may only trade with other players on their own island. However, any team that has completed a trade route may trade with anyone, and anyone may trade with them.

When a team is united, they may have as many as 14 cards in their "collective" hand without losing half their cards when a 7 is rolled.

The Pirate: in addition to what the pirate usually does, in this scenario if a pirate is placed in a hex with a port, that port cannot be used until the pirate is moved.

Discovering New Regions: whenever a player builds a road or ship along an unexplored hexside or a settlement adjacent to an unexplored hex, that hex is exposed and becomes "known". A random number counter is drawn for it if it is a land hex other than desert.

If the counter drawn is red and there is already a red number counter on an adjacent hex, draw again and place the previously drawn red number counter back into the stack and reshuffle the stack.

Optional Rule: if all players agree at the start of play, whoever discovers a land hex immediately gets a resource card produced by that hex.

Special Victory Points

One point is gained by a player who builds their first settlement on any island other than the one on which they began. Even if a team is united with a trade route, if one member has built a settlement on a new island, the team will still get a second victory point if the other member of the team builds (on his own turn) a settlement on an island that is new to him (even if it is not new to the team). 2.

One point is gained by a team that unites itself with a trade route. Place the chip between the ships, roads, or other tokens where the connection was made.

End of the Game

The game ends when either of two conditions are met: when any member of a team acquires 13 victory points on his own, or when any team that has united itself with a trade route acquires 22 victory points together.


1st Island000322330013
2nd Island000322330013

Number Chits

1st Island11221111211
2nd Island11221111211

Without a Second Seafarer's game set

This scenario is designed as economically as possible, since it can be played without buying two sets of Seafarers of Catan. However, without a second set of Seafarers certain shortages will arise. First, as many as 9 victory tokens may be needed.

Since only 8 come with one Seafarers set, some other token may have to be improvised if all eight are used up. Second, teams will have a double supply of every counter except ships, yet ships are a crucial component of this scenario. One easy solution is to disregard building limits and allow improvised counters to be used for everything (extra settlements, ships, etc)..

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