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Rating: 4.7 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-6 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Frank W. Sinden

Published by: Action GT, Alga, Basic Fun, Inc.

Alternate Names: Bombarie!, Booby Trap, Clash!, Disc-Mikado, Don't Get Caught


Booby-Trap (a.k.a. Oh-Trap) is a classic game of the mid 60's. It features a wooden box with a spring bar that was pulled back with dozens of small wooden circular pieces of different sizes sandwiched in it.

The play consists of removing pieces from within the spring bar "trap" in hopes of not making it move. Different sized pieces are worth a certain amount of points each.

Point penalties are incurred if the bar moves. The player who has accumulated the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Game ends when the number of pieces left in the board equal the number of players.

Retail Price:$19

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