You command a flotilla of ships on behalf of a nation in a far off corner of the Caribbean. Each turn, you will move your merchant ship, your pirate ship, and a navy ship to try and win doubloons.
These riches will allow you to improve your ships and when your fleet is fully developed, you may pay the ransom of the governor's daughter to win the game.
- 1 board
- 44 movement cards
- 44 fortune cards
- 10 ships
- 24 development cards
- 65 goods cubes
- 4 player identification cards
- 8 victory cards
- 10 doubloons of value 5 (gold),
- 20 doubloons of value 1 (silver):
- Rulebook
Place the board in the middle of the table. Place the two navy ships in their starting areas and the goods in the appropriate ports. …