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Rating: 8.3 Very Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 60-144 minutes

Official Site: Bargain Quest - Renegade Game Studios

Created by: Jonathan Ying, Victoria Ying

Published by: (Self-Published), Renegade Game Studios


Bargain Quest is a game of adventure and capitalism for 2-6 players. Players will take the role of shopkeepers in an adventuring town plagued by monsters.

Players must draft items and then secretly choose which items to place in their windows to attract wealthy heroes to their shops.

Once all heroes have been equipped, they battle against monstrous threats, earning money and adding prestige to whichever item shop they most recently visited.

Throughout the game players will encounter new heroes and monsters while upgrading their shops and hiring employees.

Once the third monster is defeated the player who has earned the most gold and prestige is the winner.

Retail Price:$0
Bargain Quest: 8-Bit Theater
Bargain Quest: Acquisitions Incorporated
Bargain Quest: Chaotic Goods
Bargain Quest: Solo Mode
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