
- 90 Item Cards
- 5 Steal Cards
- 5 Reappraise Cards
- 12 Appraisal cards
- 8 character playing pieces with stands
- 1 vault
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Play the role of one of Aunt Millie's heirs out to get her fortune. Use speed, strategy and persuasion to claim the highest valued items.
Be the first to claim one item in each of the five colors to end the game. The player with the highest total value wins.
The first time you play, punch out the character pieces and place them into the stands.

Each player chooses a character playing piece. (Place the rest back in the box). You'll be role-playing this character throughout the game, so take a moment to "get acquainted" with him or her.
Try to imagine what he or she acts and sounds like as well as his or her relationship to Aunt Millie. When everyone is ready, take turns introducing yourselves in character and, in one sentence, state your relation to Aunt Millie. Eor example, "Hi, I'm Bernice and I was Aunt Millie's best friend for 50 years".

Thoroughly shuffle the Estate deck and, without looking, put one card into the vault and place the vault off to the side. Make sure no one sees the card.
Deal 10 Estate cards face down to each player and place the rest of the deck out of play. Stack your cards in a face down pile in front of you without looking at them.
Shuffle the Appraisal cards and stack them face down within reach of all players.
Game Play
Aunt Millie's Millions is played in rounds. To start a round, one player says, "One, Two, Three...Flip!" Then all players simultaneously turn over the top card from their piles face up into the center playing area and, without taking turns, race to place their character pieces on top of one of the cards.
Up to two characters may land on an Item card. Only one character may land on a Steal or Reappraise card. Everyone must place their characters on a card.
Use one hand to turn over your top card and the other to place your character on a card.
Be sure to turn over cards away from you so that everyone sees them at the same time.
You may not move your character piece once you've placed it on a card, so think before you claim!
Claiming Item Cards
If your character is the only one on an Item card, take the card and place it face down in front of you to form a row.
- You may look at your won cards as often as you wish.
- For a more competitive game, keep won Item cards face up in your row.
If two characters are on an Item card, they enter into a "Squabble". (See below).

Cards with $? Value
Some Item cards have a "?" in place of a dollar value.
If you win one of these cards, randomly select a card from the Appraisal deck, secretly look at it, and place it face down under the Item card in your row. This becomes the value of that item.
One item card per Color
You may only have one Item card of a color at a time in your row. If you win an item in a color that matches one you already have, you must discard the card in your row and keep the new one. Place the previous card in a "Charity" pile out of play.

If your character lands on a Steal card, you can take any Item card from any player that was claimed in a previous round. Without looking, choose one face down card from an opponent's row, reveal it to the group, and then add it face down to your row.
If the card's color matches one that you already have, you must discard the Item card from your row and keep the one you stole.
If the card that you stole is paired with an Appraisal card, take the Appraisal card along with the Item card but do not reveal its value to the other players.
If multiple Steal cards appear in the same round, they cancel each other out and all players must put their characters on other cards.
Items may be stolen again by any player in a subsequent round.

If your character lands on a Reappraise card, you may reappraise any item in your row. First, show the item you are going to reappraise to the other players, and then randomly select a care from the Appraisal deck.
Without revealing the new value, look at the card and place it face down under the Item card you reappraised. This new value stays with this card, even if it gets stolen.
An item can be reappraised more than once, and when this is done, the first Appraisal card is returned to the middle of the Appraisal deck. Appraisal cards range in value from $0-52,500.

When two characters land on the same Item card, they enter into a squabble for that item. The character whose name is closer to "A" chooses any player not involved in the squabble to act as the judge for the squabble.
Then, starting with that character, each player has 30 seconds to make up a story about why he/she deserves the item in question.
For example, Claire might say, "I have the fondest memories of having tea with Aunt Millie every Sunday afternoon, so I deserve the tea set".
The judge may then ask each character one question related to his/her story and then awards the item to the player who gave the more convincing argument. The judge's word is final!
Be creative in making up your story - this is your chance to showcase your character!
Judges should not act in character during a squabble.
If the same two characters get into another squabble during the game, they alternate who selects the judge and goes first.
Sequence of Actions
When a combination of the above actions occurs in a single round: A steal goes first, followed by individuals claiming a single item, followed by a reappraisal, followed by a squabble.
Start a New Round
Place unclaimed cards along with any Steal or Reappraisal cards into a "Charity" pile out of play. Start a new round by simultaneously turning over the next top cards.
End of the Game
The game ends at the end of any round when one player has collected an Item card in each of the five colors.
The player who achieves this gets a $500 bonus. (If more than one player achieves this at the same time, they both get the bonus).

Each player adds up the values of all cards collected and compares totals.
The player with lowest total inherits the item in the vault as a bonus. (Note: In this case, it's ok if the vault Item card color matches one already in your row).
If the vault contains a Reappraise card, you can reappraise one of your items as described above.
If it contains a Steal card, you may steal the highest valued Item card from one player's row, according to the rules above.
Total up final dollar amounts including bonuses. The player with the highest total value wins.
For Longer Play
Set a certain number of games before playing (suggested three).
Write down each player's total at the end of each game. The player with the highest total at the end of the last game wins.
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