
- 1 Game Board
- 80 Plastic Trains
- 72 Train Cards
- 32 Ticket Cards
- 4 Coast-to-Coast Bonus Ticket Cards
- 1 Golden Ticket
Object of the Game
The goal of the game is to be the first player to complete 6 Tickets.
Place the game board in the center of the table. Give each player 20 trains of a single color.
Shuffle the train cards and give each player 4 random cards. Place the remaining cards facedown to form the Train deck.
Shuffle the ticket cards and give each player 2 random Ticket Cards. Place the remaining cards facedown to form the Ticket deck.
Keep all of your cards hidden from the other players! Place the Coast to-Coast bonus ticket cards next to the board.

Game Play
The youngest player goes first. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table, with each player taking one turn at a time until the game ends.
On your turn, you can do ONE of two things:
Draw Train Cards: Draw two Train Cards from the top of the deck. Or
Claim a Route: Play Train Cards from your hand to claim a route and place your plastic trains on that route.
Train Cards

There are Train Cards in six different colors: Yellow, Green, White, Black, Blue, and Red.
They allow you to claim routes on the board. Locomotives are multi-colored and can be used as a wild card when claiming a route.
Claiming Routes

To claim a route, you must play Train Cards from your hand that match the color and num- ber of spaces of the route. Then you place one of your plastic trains in each of the route's spaces. All cards used to claim the route are discarded faceup next to the Train deck.
Example: if you want to claim a yellow route that is two spaces long, you need to play two yellow Train Cards.
You can claim any route on the board that hasn't been claimed yet, even if it is not connected to any of your other claimed routes. You can claim only one route per turn.
The color of a route does not have to match the color of your plastic trains in order for you to claim that route. Remember that Locomotives are wild and can be used in place of any color Train Card.
Double Routes: Some cities are connected by two parallel routes. You cannot claim both routes in a double route; leave some room for the others!
Completing a Ticket

When you have built a continuous line of trains between the two cities printed on your Ticket, congratulations - you've completed one Ticket!
Tell the other players and flip it faceup in front of you. Then draw one Ticket Card from the top of the deck.
Discard Tickets: If you know that you will not be able to complete your Tickets (because the other players have blocked your path, for instance), you can skip a turn to discard BOTH of your Tickets, instead of drawing Train Cards or claiming a route.
Draw two new Tickets from the top of the deck to replace them.
Coast-to-coast Bonus

When you have a continuous line of trains from one of the west- coast cities (Seattle, San Francisco, or Los Angeles) to one of the east-coast cities (New York, Washington, or Miami), you have earned the Coast-to-Coast Bonus!
You must say "Coast to Coast!" and take one Bonus Ticket Card, placing it in front of you.
The Bonus Ticket Card counts as one completed Ticket.
End of the Game
The game immediately ends when a player completes his sixth Ticket. That player is the winner and takes the Golden Ticket as a reward!
The game also ends if a player places his last train on the board.
In this case, the player who has the most completed Tickets wins. If there is a tie, all tied players win together.
Other Ticket to Ride Games
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