Models x74 (Barbarian) / x106 (King*)

Each hero has a light gray plastic model used to represent them on the game board.
The Overlord's units are represented by dark gray models.
Double-sided Board x2

Each game board is double-sided and represents a battlefield for the heroes and the Overlord. Each board is divided into areas in which the models operate. Each scenario indicates which game board to use.
Rulebooks x2
Turn Track x1

This Heroes' Book and the Overlord's Book include the rules of the game for each side, as well as descriptions and setup instructions for the scenarios.
Gems x75

Gems are used to determine how much energy is available to the heroes (blue gems) and the Overlord (red gems). Each gem represents one unit of energy.
Dice x9 (Barbarian) / x15 (King*)

They are used to resolve actions such as attacking or defending. Each axe symbol on a face represents one success. The dice come in three colors to indicate the chances of rolling successes. In order: yellow is the least likely to roll successes, followed by orange, and finally red, which has the best chances of rolling successes.

Numbered from 0 to 15, it is used to keep track of the number of turns played in a scenario as well as the number of life points for the Overlord's main characters. In specific scenarios, the turn track might have additional uses.
Turn Marker x1

It is placed on the turn track and indicates the number of turns played in a scenario. The turn marker advances one space at the start of the Overlord's turn (See Overlord's Book).
Overlord's tiles x45 (Barbarian) / x62 (King*)

These tiles represent a specific character or a group of identical models controlled by the Overlord. The Overlord's Book explains how to use them in detail.

This is the board used by the Overlord to control their units. The Overlord's Book explains how to use it in detail.
Spell Cards x16

Certain characters have mastered magical arcana and are able to cast powerful spells. The spell cards available to a character are listed in the scenario and are placed faceup next to their hero sheet, or next to the Book of Skelos if that character is controlled by the Overlord. The rules for spells are described on page 16.
Spell cards have the following features: 2 6 3 3 2 •*
Pestilential SwarmD
Attack your area, ex- u eluding yourself and undead ^^characters; roll • . Char-
acters cannot defend against this attack. Attacked characters suffer damage equal to the attack power.
Energy Cost,
Exertion Limit,
Icons: indicates that the spell is an area attack that
affects an entire area and all characters withinit (the spell caster and all friendly and enemy characters). indicates that the spell is a reaction spell that can be cast anytime during an opponent's turn.

These cards represent the equipment, weapons, and items that the heroes can use during their mission.
Shuffle the cards specified by the scenario to create an "asset deck". When a player acquires a piece of equipment, they place the card faceup next to their hero's sheet or next to the Book of Skelos in the Overlord's case.
Weapon cards have the following features:

Encumbrance Value.
Weapon cards also have one or more bonuses:
Melee Attack Bonus.
Guard bonus.
Ranged Attack Bonus.
Some weapons can be used for Melee and Ranged Attacks. They have a icon next to their Ranged Attack bonus. Once a weapon is used for its Ranged Attack bonus, its card is placed in the defender's area. It needs to be picked up (by performing a simple Manipulation) before it can be used again.
The arrow on a die icon means that the player may reroll one die of the matching type once for free (without performing a Reroll action).

Encumbrance Value.
Icons describing the item's use.
Using an item is a free action (i.e. do not assign gems to an action space) unless specified otherwise.
Life Potion

' life potion
The Life Potion item card is special because it does not work like other items:
An aggressive hero (see page 8) can use it (without assigning
any energy gems, just like any item) to move 2 gems from their Fatigue zone or Wound zone to their Reserve zone,
Then this card is discarded to the game box.
Skill Game Aids x4

Attack Skills

They explain the meaning of each skill icon that appears on the heroes' sheets and the Overlord's unit tiles.

These bases come in 5 different colors and are clipped to the Overlord's models to indicate which unit tile they are associated with. (The color of the bases must match the unit tile's colored border).
Life Point Markers x10 (Barbarian) / x13 (King*)

There is a life point marker for each Overlord character that has a life point value as indicated in each scenario below the Overlord's River. The life point marker is placed on the turn track and moves towards "0" each time that character is wounded or towards "15" each time they are healed. Other characters controlled by the Overlord (Pict Hunters, Pirates, etc). have 1 life point and no life point token.
Reinforcement Tokens x6 (Barbarian) / x9 (King*)

These tokens are placed on the board as specified by the scenario to indicate the areas in which the Overlord's reinforcements will appear.
Halo Tokens x2

Mitra's Halo

Set's Halo
When a character casts a "Mitra's Halo" or "Set's Halo" spell, they place one of these tokens around that model's base. Remove the token when the spell ends.
Chest Tokens x10

These tokens are placed on the board as specified by the scenario to indicate the areas in which there is a chest. Remove the token from the board once the chest is open.
Door Tokens x12

These tokens are placed on the board as specified by the scenario to indicate where doors are located on the board.
Numbered Tokens x13
Barrel Tokens x6
Stairs Tokens x4
Treasure Tokens x13
Flame Tokens x12 (Barbarian) / x16 (King*)
"Wall Wrecker" Tokens x6 (Barbarian) / x9 (King*)
Web Tokens x3
Water Tokens x6
Boulders Tokens x4
Barricade Life Point Markers x3

Energy Marker x1
Invocation Marker x1
Alarm Token x1
Chair Tokens x9
Pit Tokens x3
Table Tokens x3
Well Token x1
Barricade Tokens x3

The tokens used with the Book of Skelos are described in the Overlord's Book.
Hero Sheets x4 (Barbarian) / x8 (King*)

Each hero has a sheet with their name, action spaces, recovery chart, skill icons, encumbrance chart and energy zones.
Action Spaces
These spaces represent the 6 actions a hero can perform and indicate their exertion limit and the hero's attribute for each action. The attribute's level is indicated by the color of the die associated with the action, or by the base movement value in the case of the Movement action (See page 15).
Recovery Chart
This shows the number of gems a hero recovers according to their stance and the number of fallen heroes (See page 8).
^3 Encumbrance Limit
This indicates a hero's maximum encumbrance (See page 19).
Skill Spaces
These represent a hero's special talents. The description of each skill can be found on the skill game aids. The red number in the lower-right corner of each skill indicates the encumbrance level from which the hero stops being able to use that skill (See page 19).
Encumbrance Chart
^7 Fatigue Zone
The Fatigue zone contains gems that the hero has used and can later recover. During the hero's Stance phase, each hero moves a number of gems from their Fatigue zone to their Reserve zone based on their stance (See page 8).

Wound Zone
The Wound zone contains gems that the hero has lost from suffering damage. Each time a hero suffers an amount of damage, the hero moves that many gems from their Fatigue zone to their Wound zone. If there is more damage to suffer after moving all gems from the Fatigue zone, move gems from the hero's action spaces, spell cards, and ally tiles. If there is still more damage to suffer after moving all gems from action spaces, spell cards, and ally tiles, the player moves gems from their Reserve zone. When all of their gems are in the hero's Wound zone, the hero dies.
Drop their weapon and item cards in their area on the board, and remove their model from the board.

This shows the encumbrance level from which the hero starts losing points from their base movement value (See page 19).
Reserve Zone
The Reserve zone contains the hero's available energy gems, which can be assigned to perform actions. At the start of the game, place as many blue gems as indicated by the number in the lower-left corner of this zone. This represents both the character's potential for action and their life points.
Calculating Damage
Damage is equal to the attack power (the number of symbols rolled by the attacker) minus the character's defense power (See page 11-12).
Damage = Attack Power - Defense Power (Guard + Armor)
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