You are in charge of a flock of Chickapigs. The first player that gets their Chickapigs across the board and through their goal wins the game. Along your way, do everything you can to thwart your opponents. And beware of the pooping cow.
Why do Chickapigs want to cross the board? To get to the other side. Vuh!
- 1 Game Board
- 6 Chickapigs Per Color
- 4 Hay Bales Per Color
- 1 Cow
- 1 Cow Fence
- 8 Cow Poops
- 9 Poop Cards
- 9 Daisy Cards
- 1 Sand Timer
- 1 Chickapig Die
Game Elements
You want to get your entire flock of Chickapigs off the board by escaping through your goal, which is located directly across from your 6 Chickapigs. …