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During the time of A Song of Ice and Fire in which A Game of Thrones: The Board Game is set, the following Houses are the principal players in the struggle for the Iron Throne.

House Stark "Winter is Coming"

A reclusive family with honorable traditions that has been reluctantly pulled into the game of thrones.

House Greyjoy "We Do Not Sow"

Nurturing wounds from its failed rebellion, this bitter clan has bided its time to once more launch its longships upon the western coasts of Westeros.

House Lannister "Hear Me Roar"

An ambitious family whose rich gold mines and relentless cunning has made them a formidable and dangerous power in the realm.

House Martell "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Fierce and unforgiving, this ancient family has thrived and grown powerful under the scorching sun of Dorne.

House Tyrell "Growing Strong"

Even as their fertile lands are considered the heart of chivalry in Westeros, this proud family has never sat upon the Iron Throne; a fact it hopes to soon correct.

House Baratheon "Ours is the Fury"

The troubled but strong-willed family of Robert Baratheon, the late King, holds the strongest claim of succession to the Iron Throne.

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